Director’s Message
2020 was a year unlike any other in public education. I am so proud of all the work that staff, students, their families and our community members have done in the face of unprecedented challenges and ever-changing reality. This year, more than ever before, it’s my pleasure to present the Director’s Annual Report, which provides an overview of the many achievements realized within the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB).
Looking at the stories we’ve shared from the past year, it’s clear to see that we remain focused on our strategic plan and operational goals, even while navigating a global pandemic. Continuing to build a culture rooted in human rights and equity while working to strengthen skills in mathematics, creating pathways to graduation and success for every student, while also promoting and furthering both student and staff well-being remain at the core of all that we do.
This wouldn’t be possible without the support of our partners and stakeholders. Whether it be our students, their families and caregivers, or our staff, retirees and community partners, we are all working together to ensure our students experience success on their chosen pathway while feeling connected, cared for, a sense of belonging.
I would be remiss if I did not recognize the crucial role that our Board of Trustees play in supporting our students, staff and indeed our entire system. The importance of their role has only become clearer given the challenges we faced over the last year, as their guidance and leadership have helped to centre our focus on the health and safety of our students, while continuing to uphold the excellence in education our community has come to know from the WRDSB.
Equity and human rights remain foundational to the work we do every day – from the boardroom to the classroom. We know that like other school boards across the province, we are faced with the challenge of confronting systemic racism and oppression that many experience. We have more work to do, and our commitment remains steadfast to identifying and addressing the barriers our students, staff and families face. We must make our system a safe, caring, inclusive space for all to learn, work and thrive.
Looking ahead to 2021, we are more prepared than ever before to face the uncertainty and obstacles encountered in a global pandemic, while continuing to equip our students for success on their chosen pathways after graduation. We may not know what the months ahead will have in store, but together, we will navigate the path ahead.
John Bryant
Director of Education